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You Do NOT Have A Point

ATTENTION: Y​ou have goals to achieve, but you do not have a point to prove or make!

  I​ have concluded that I don't need to prove anything to anybody; whatever you perceive me as is what you perceive me as. Many people talk down on others to make themselves feel good because of these top two reasons:

1​. The person whom they envy has something that they wish they had within themselves

2​. Struggling to navigate through self-esteem

3​. The person's parents kept comparing their child to another to get their child to behave.

*​emphasis on reason #2*

A​nd you know... you just have to give those people grace because everyone is maturing and learning how to become comfortable and secure within themselves, slowly but surely, but it's so annoying when people who you don't know, and they don't know you, judge you based on what they see and not what they know or even based on a first impression. Not only that, people really only have your back when they see you progressing well or if you're already on top, and all they're going to do is continue to keep cheering you on but let you go through that storm and rainy season and watch everyone body flake from you, and that shouldn't be a problem at all: Christ let alls His kids go through that season so He can place the right people in their lives, which is why you should be thankful for those horrid seasons ( I personally don't like them, but I'm grateful ) because you see a lot within yourself and within others, but I go onto say is that the public is only here for you if they public agrees with what you're doing, but it will repel and rebel against you if your morals and actions go against the public, and you know what crazy about the statements I just stated? It's normal! There is absolutely nothing new under the sun! Yes, you're going to have fake friends, you're gonna get betrayed by many people, you're going to experience heartbreak, you're going to have doubters, and you're going to have enemies! What's an offense without a defense? What is life without obstacles? So why do you feel the need that you have something to prove when all you need to do is focus on yourself, take heed to constructive criticism, and progress as a person and as whatever you aspire career-wise? You dislike your doubters so much when really you should be thanking Christ for them because they help peculiarly.

  Personally, if you don't know me, you're not qualified to have a problem with me or dislike me because you have never experienced me at any point in time; you've only heard of me, whether from my ex-friends, from my enemies, or the people who claim not to have a problem with me, but yet continue to explain the problem they have with me and yea I get it, I have betrayed many people out of insecurity before with no intention of actually hurting anyone, which is why I am not everyone's cup of tea, but that was my past, and I've made peace with that and forgiven myself for what I've done ( thank God I'm saved), but back to the story, if you don't know me, why and how would you even cultivate a problem with me and more importantly how do I deal with that? Oh wait, I don't; I'm not responsible for anybody's emotions, but I do admit I am very considerate, but if there is nothing that I can do, then there will be nothing that I will do. So, instead of cursing those who try to curse me, I will bless those who curse me because those people are helping me build thick skin, which I greatly appreciate. So my question to all the people who have this weird goal and/or obsession of proving their “doubters” wrong. Why? They aren't a focus; it's just noise. Why do you even feel the need to acknowledge it? To pull up all the names of people who said you weren't going to make it and say, " F*ck you, I made it, B*tch! NA NA NA BOO BOO" ...... I recommend stacking your bread and blessings and tending to yourself, your goals, and your daily to-do list ( this is the more peaceful and focused route if you ask me ).

  The way I see life is this: there is a dream and/or vision that we all have, and we all want to see it through, and within that, there are going to be people who will be jealous, who won’t agree, who won’t don’t see what you see, who will serve as a distraction or counterfeit, who will fear for you, who do see what you see and try to figure out how they can benefit from that, and those who are genuine that will pray it through and ensure that you make it through. There is a balance in life, and there really is no reason to curse the cursers and bless the blessers when you benefit from both because how would you be able to spot a fool if you never experienced one? How would you know an emotional vampire if you had never met one? How would you know anything positive or negative if you had never experienced it? Vibrations aren’t enough, sweetheart; you need the experience to build wisdom in discernment because discernment comes in different layers.

  So I go in all to say is, forgive your doubters/enemies/haters and just focus on yourself. You literally have no point to prove; you only have goals to achieve and business to tend to. If this is your method of motivation, please find another one because this one isn’t the healthiest. If one of your drives is focused on proving others wrong about you, you’ll end up in tears because with every blessing, there is a burden before, during, and after it, and if you don’t have the proper risk management, stress management, perception, and/or perspective, you’ll be crying and/or in much anger and disappointment, and the people who you oh so love to pay attention to ( your doubters) will be laughing. Not only that, it will make you a haughty person when you’re supposed to remain humble at all times, which isn’t easy, but not impossible. Imagine you ( who has a lot to lose) letting your doubters ( who don’t have anything to lose ) deposit negative things into your spirit and thinking that it can positively impact your well-being; some negative energy isn’t worth the attention of turning it into something positive. Let’s try writing the vision down, waiting if it tarries, and minding our business, OR we can write the vision down, waiting if it tarries, work, mind our business, process, progress, maintain a realistic perception and perspective AT ALL TIMES, remain content, and abound in the blessing when it arrives. I like that idea. All in favor, say " I. "

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